
Sudo Kaku

Left: Abe Hana, Right: Sudo Kaku






Sudo Kaku 
   First Japanese-American woman doctor


     In October 2011, I received an email from Mr. Kawai Ryunosuke, who is famous non-fiction writer and published many excellent books. “ I’m studying for the history of Japanese- American in Florida. Recently, I found  a very interesting woman. Her name is Sudo Kaku and she dead in Saint-Cloud, Florida at 102 years of age, 1963. She was born in Hirosaki, Aomomi and her father’s name is “Tsuidi Sudo” and mother’s name is “ Yeuri Fujita” by her death certificate. Do you have some information about her? ”. I am writing a blog about historical persons in Hirosaki for 11yeras. Mr. Kawai found my blog and sent me the email.
     Many questions about ancestor and historical study are sent to me. I am doing to answer as much as possible by my source, books, articles and old maps. Especially, One old map (1868), which shows each home and head name of family (total 2025 families) is very useful for searching person lived in Hirosaki around 1860. But the clues of word “Sudo Kaku”,“Tsuide Sudo” could be found nothing in my any source and I was searching them in a net. Only one website came up. It was Chinese auction site and introduce a old Japanese book, title “Anzai Maru sensho Sudo Katsugoro no shogai: Hirosaki hanshi no shinko no keseki”(A life of captain Sudo Katsugoro of Anzai Maru: the trace of faith of Hirosaki feudal retainer, Sato Koichi, 1992). The word of “Sudo Kaku” could be found in a picture of the book contents on website. This thin book seemed to be mentioned about “Sudo Kaku”.
      Soon I went to Hirosaki Library and asked about this book. Fortunately. It was stored in the library. Author, Sato Koichi was an earnest Christian and took an interest in one person, Sudo Katsugoro, who was a primary member of Fujisaki Church, Aomori and searching his life and made up into a book. The life of Sudo Katsugoro was described in detail and “Sudo Kaku” entered as a daughter of his younger brother Shinkichiro. Sudo Shinkichiro was changed name to “Tsuide” or “Tsuiji” in Meiji era, which corresponds with the Mr. Kawai’s email. Author of this book, Sato Koichi already passed away and could not be confirmed anything. This book lead me to a fact that Sudo Kaku, dead in Florida at 102 years old, was a daughter of Sudo Shinkichiro, a feudal retainer of Hirosaki Domain.
      Hirosaki is an old and historical city located at western Aomori Prefecture, northern Japan.  First lord Tsugaru Tamenobu built this city at 1603 and gradually developed. About half of population was Samurai and their families. Each Samurai lived in several areas by Class. I checked Shinichiro’ s home in my old map (“Meiji 2 nen Hirosaki Ezu”, Hirosaki old map at 1868). His home was found at Ohura syoji(“alley”where was developed at end of Edo era by dividing one large house to 10 house of new residents. His brother, Katsugoro’s home was found Wakado-cho, where middle class Samurai lived in and generally old brother succeed to a house (Sudo family lived here from before 1800). Shinichiro was superior and established a branch family at Ohura syoji.
     Why does Sudo Kaku, a daughter of Samurai, came to USA and dead at Florida? Let’s talk about her interesting and amazing story.

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